Privacy Policy
This policy was last revised on Thursday, 2 May 2019
The work we carry out at NeXstop involves collecting and storing some personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR applied from 25 May 2018 when it replaced the Data Protection Act 1998.
We collect personal information only when you register to use the client area of our website. During the process we will ask you to:
- submit your email address
- submit your real name
- submit your employer/operator
- create a password
We use this information to create a secure login for you to be able
to access our website. The information is stored securely and is
never disclosed to any third party.
We may also collect the following information depending on how you use the NeXstop service:
- a log of videos watched by you
- the amount of time spent watching videos
- operator issued driver identification number
- internet protocol addresses used to connect to the service
We use this information to provide analytical data to the operators of the routes we provide coverage for. The information is stored securely and is never disclosed to any third party with the exception of the operator of the route (usually your employer).
We undertake the following
- we will ensure only those appropriate have access to your data
- we’ll store your information securely
- we won’t disclose your information to any third party
- we will only keep your information for as long as we need to
By registering with us you acknowledge that you understand and accept our use of your data as described herein.